Sunday, May 26, 2013

Home Made Pancakes, Easy and Delicious

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I've been fiddling around with recipes I had, and found. Most had too much salt, not enough milk, or called of meted butter (what a pain!)

So here is one That my family and I love, and have been using for sometime

1 cup of flour (we use all purpose)
1 tablespoon of sugar
3 teaspoons of Baking powder
1/2 tea spoon of salt (this can easily be brought down to 1/4 teaspoon and it still tastes fine)
1 egg
3/4 cup + 3 table spoons of milk (we use 2%)
2 tablespoons of oil (we use canola)

Sift your dry ingredients together (flour, salt, sugar, baking powder) into a large bowl. I tell you to sift it because sometime if flour sits it can clump together in tiny clumps and you wouldn't want to bite into something to find a ball of flour ;)
Add in your wet ingredients except the last 3 tablespoons of milk and whisk until smooth. Here is the point where you can judge for yourself if you want to add the extra tablespoons of milk or not. 

Use 1/4 cup measuring cup to pour your batter into your hot pan.

Using the 1/4 measurements  you get 12 pancakes at around 65 - 71** calories each!

**65 for no extra milk, and 71 with the extra milk


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