Monday, September 30, 2013

DIY Cappuccino powder mix

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I love Nescafe Cappuccino mix, but cant justify pending $5 for a box when you get 6 drinks out of it.

So I've been playing around with some dry ingredients and found this one makes a pretty close Nescafe Cappuccino!

You need -
Instant coffee - I used Nescafe rich
Hot Chocolte - I used Carnation
Coffee whitener - I used Coffee Mate

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Add 3 Table spoons of Instant coffee to a small container and crush it with a spoon to make it more of a powder like the hot chocolate. Then add 6 Table spoons of creamer , and 2 Teaspoons of hot chocholate. Mix well.

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To make your Cappuccino use 2 - 3 table spoons of mix to hot water stir and enjoy!!

I like to add a little bit of sugar, and whipped cream to the top of mine ;)

**If you want flavored Cappuccinos try adding 1/2 - 1 tsp vanilla , or caramel syrup

Saturday, September 28, 2013

DIY Pumpkin Spice Latte

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I love starbucks pumpkin spice latte, but I live NO where near a Starbucks I've been craving one since the weather has started to cool off. I've been playing around with different mixes and what works with what and found the simplest recipe seems to taste the best
So the easiest way to do this is make yourself a strong pot of coffee. I make half a pot but use enough grounds for a full pot (because I always have more then one latte lol)
before you start to brew your coffee add 1 tsp - 1 tbsp. of pumpkin SPICE. I started with 1 teaspoon, and worked my way up to the tablespoon, then back down to 2 teaspoons. You will have to make this once or twice to get your preferred amount of pumpkin spice for your taste.
Next add your sugar to your cup before anything else.
Warm some milk up (only half a cup or a little less then half the cup your using) in a pot on the stove, OR in the microwave. I like the stove better only because once I see the bubbles start I know its warm enough.
Add your warm milk to your cup, then top it off with your spiced coffee. Stir well, add whip cream if you want and even add a sprinkle on top  ;)
Homemade pumpkin spice latte!