Saturday, October 5, 2013

Christmas tags from old cards

I have so many old Christmas cards, and didn't know what to do them. Why not make some cute pretty one of a kind Christmas tags.

All you need is some Old Christmas Cards
ribbon - optional
hole punch
tape or glue

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Cut out some pictures or objects from your cards, you can either put a hole in the corner and some ribbon, or make a small fold on it and tape it to your gift.

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Your possibilities are endless!! And this doesn't just have to be for Christmas tags ;)

Scrabble tile coasters

I've seen these around and really wanted to try it.

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So I found myself a scrabble game from a yard sale for $1 and proceeded to try my hand at this with my daughter.

Well the white glue didn't work so well. We ended up using the hot glue gun. We found that a lot of the letter tiles were not the same size :(

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The easiest way (we found) to do this was also to do one strip of 4 letters at a time, then glue four strips together.

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We did find the craft fun, and kind of playing at the same time. Finding a bunch of four letter words.
Don't be tricked into thinking this is a breeze though, it does require a little more time and effort.
We also added some scrap fabric to the back so they slide easily across the table surface :)

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Monday, September 30, 2013

DIY Cappuccino powder mix

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I love Nescafe Cappuccino mix, but cant justify pending $5 for a box when you get 6 drinks out of it.

So I've been playing around with some dry ingredients and found this one makes a pretty close Nescafe Cappuccino!

You need -
Instant coffee - I used Nescafe rich
Hot Chocolte - I used Carnation
Coffee whitener - I used Coffee Mate

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Add 3 Table spoons of Instant coffee to a small container and crush it with a spoon to make it more of a powder like the hot chocolate. Then add 6 Table spoons of creamer , and 2 Teaspoons of hot chocholate. Mix well.

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To make your Cappuccino use 2 - 3 table spoons of mix to hot water stir and enjoy!!

I like to add a little bit of sugar, and whipped cream to the top of mine ;)

**If you want flavored Cappuccinos try adding 1/2 - 1 tsp vanilla , or caramel syrup

Saturday, September 28, 2013

DIY Pumpkin Spice Latte

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I love starbucks pumpkin spice latte, but I live NO where near a Starbucks I've been craving one since the weather has started to cool off. I've been playing around with different mixes and what works with what and found the simplest recipe seems to taste the best
So the easiest way to do this is make yourself a strong pot of coffee. I make half a pot but use enough grounds for a full pot (because I always have more then one latte lol)
before you start to brew your coffee add 1 tsp - 1 tbsp. of pumpkin SPICE. I started with 1 teaspoon, and worked my way up to the tablespoon, then back down to 2 teaspoons. You will have to make this once or twice to get your preferred amount of pumpkin spice for your taste.
Next add your sugar to your cup before anything else.
Warm some milk up (only half a cup or a little less then half the cup your using) in a pot on the stove, OR in the microwave. I like the stove better only because once I see the bubbles start I know its warm enough.
Add your warm milk to your cup, then top it off with your spiced coffee. Stir well, add whip cream if you want and even add a sprinkle on top  ;)
Homemade pumpkin spice latte!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back to school money saving on snacks

So its that time of year again.., back to school.

I cringe at the thought of all the money that goes into this time of year. I for one do not like having to spend so much for so little.

I've been making my kids snacks, and finding frugal ways to save on these types of things.
As a frugal mom I found a few things that work well for me, and still let me be the "cool" mom ;)

Snack sized treats/pre-packaged for lunches.. NEVER buy them. They are a total waste of money.
Instead trying getting some snack sized or regular sized ziplock bags from your local dollar store, and buying crackers like goldfish, or cookies, or teddy grahams in the regular sized bags, and just adding the serving size to the baggies. Your money will go a lot further. Sure those pre-packaged bags are great for people who are in a rush, but that's all its good for. Take 5 minutes once a week and divided up those treats yourself. 1 box of 6 pre-packaged bags of goldfish or teddy grahams are $3.49 - $4.79 while a bag of goldfish, or a bag of teddy grahams (I'm talking the big/regular sized bags) are the same price, if not CHEAPER and you get more for your money!

at my local grocery store the pre-packaged ones are $4.59, and the Big bags are $4.29 (teddy grahams)  hmm this is a no brainer to me, but I find myself shaking my head at others who just don't see how much they can save. By serving size I can get 8 servings of teddy graham treats out of a bag that I pay less for already. Why pay more, seems silly to me. Plus I believe that the little pre-packaged bags are 25 or 26 grams, while the serving size on the regular bags are 30 grams.

I also make my kids rice krispie snacks. 1 box of rice krispies, 5 bags of marshmallows and just enough butter to make all the squares is around $10 - $15 depending on sales. Now why in the world would you go out and buy a box of 8 rice krispie treats for $2.50 - $4.50. Craziness. And the great thing about making your own, is you can add sprinkles, chocolate chips, whatever you want!

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Couponing 101 - revamped

Welcome to Couponing 101 - revamped!

Here you'll find some tips, and things to know about using and redeeming coupons.

When I first started just over 2 years ago I used a plastic ziplock bag for my coupons. Yup  that's right a plastic ziplock bag.

So I bought myself a small accordion holder from walmart and I think it was about $2, and stuffed my coupons in there.

When you go shopping take a few minutes and go down every isle. If you find some you wont use because you don't like the product grab a couple anyways. More often then not you can trade those unwanted coupons for coupons you really want. Wondering where you can trade those unwanted coupons of yours? Try I trade here all the time and LOVE it! You can also find coupon groups on Facebook, but make sure they are Canadian. You can't use a coupon with an American redemption address in Canada.

If you have products at home that you absolutely love, and use all the time, try giving that company a phone call or an email. Companies like to hear how much you enjoy their product and might send you out some coupons :) Its worth the 5 Minutes.

Johnson and Johnson offer monthly coupons for products like J&J Baby (peneten, baby powder, shampoo, body was) Tylenol, motrin, stayfree, carefree products, Clean and clear, Aveeno ect.

Colgate will send you out a couple $1 coupons for things like fleecy, colgate, speed stick.

Sign up for free samples, not only do you get the samples but a lot of the company's send out coupons for the product with your sample. 

Swap with your friends! I know I have friends and family that often grab coupons and when I see them we find we have many that are different, so we swap :) Many forums and groups also do coupons swaps when they get enough people interested.

Magazines, and Dr.Offices often have coupons too. If you see an old copy of a magazine laying in the recycle bin take a minute and flip through the pages you could find some money savers in there ;)

Sign up for point saver programs. I myself use Pampers rewards (formerly gifts to grow) there are many many free codes offered all the time on facebook and twitter. Many people don't realize or care that those little pins inside the diapers can earn them free stuff from gift cards, to pictures and toys. , Stouffers rewards, I save my points for gift cards. Lunch mate bucks, found inside lunch mate (lunchables or snackables) again save these up for gift cards, stickers, toys ect.I also use Swagbucks. Swagbucks is a search engine that give out random prize amounts (swagbucks) and you can save these up and redeem for gift cards, or ecodes (electronic gift cards)

Join mailing programs like huggies for coupons, or subscribe to mailing lists Via email from many different places like McCains, samplesource, ect. They randomly email people with promotions and printable coupons.

Check out your food packaging. Sometimes coupons are offered on cereals, and if you buy that type regularly its an added bonus for you!

Right now Kelloggs is offering a promo with 2 forms, and 2 unique pins that you fill out and mail away to them, they send you a $5 "Gas card" This is a $5 Mastercard that you call in to activate and can be used anywhere, as long as your purchase doesn't exceed the amount on the card

General mills is also offering a promo. With 1 pin from cereal or 2 from their treats (specially marked boxes) you can enter the pins online for free items from cereal, to yogurt, to treats (cereal bars). Again if this is your usual brand then its also an added bonus!

Getting started:
You want to get yourself a good zipper binder and some of those plastic sleeves for hockey cards (binder at walmart $8 - $10, plastic sleeves from the dollar store $1 you get 5 - 10), so for less then $15 you'll pretty much be set, Or you can be like me and do the accordion holder. It worked great, and I didn't need to upgrade to a binder until I started trading coupons on a daily basis lol.

I always carry a pen, paper, and scissors in my binder, you never know when you may need these - seriously.

Organize your binder the way you like. I like to add all my (fpc's B1G1, and company call ins) in the first few pages, then I do the rest alphabetically. Some of my friends prefer to do categories, while others like to group by expiry. You'll find which way you like the best really quick.

Using coupons:
Read the fine print. You want to be able to use your coupons so you have to make sure that they have a Canadians redemption address. How do you know if it has one. There will be a spot saying "for redemption mail to" and make sure whatever address it has next to it is Canadian. Not all cashiers check this, and stores will NOT be reimburse if they accept them. Which can turn out to be disastrous for us couponers. Stores may limit or not accept coupons any more when this happens.
Sticking with the fine print - double check to make sure you can use more then one coupon per transaction. How can you tell? Most coupons will say Limit one coupon per purchase which means 1 coupon per item purchased. However there are some coupons that say Limit one coupon per customer or 1 per transaction which means you can only use 1 coupon no matter how many  of that item you may be buying.


Checking out:
Choose a cashier that is having a good day. There is nothing worse then someone who doesn't want to be there or is having a bad day. How can you tell is the cashier is having a good day? Look for the one who has a smile on their face ;)

Be kind to those be hind you. If you have a long list of coupons to use or may be price matching, let the people who line up behind you know. I often say something like this. Hi there, just letting you know I may take a little while as I am using coupons and price matching. I would hate for you to stand behind me if your kinda in a hurry. Many many people appreciate that your letting them know.

Put your coupons with your items on the conveyer belt. This way your cashier doesn't have to shuffle threw a bunch and they can see that the coupon and product match.

Double check your coupon details, not the pictures! This can confuse even the seasoned couponer. Some coupons list certain sized, types/varieties, and sometimes it doesn't always match the item pictured on the coupon.

Finding coupons:
You can get coupons from many different places

Many you find are tear pad coupons that are in stores by the product. You should never take more then you need., or can use. I take a few for myself, and only a couple to trade or pass on to others. Its a huge disappointment to find empty tear pads from greedy people.

Peelies - you should never take the peelie off the product. Its purpose it to reduce the price for the person buying it. I have found a peelie on my products after purchasing it. Sometimes the cashiers miss them, Or sometimes if you have a higher value coupon to use first then thats the only time its ok to take the peelie off the product.

Online coupons - There are many places you can get coupons mailed directly to your home, or print them off. Here is a list (with links *click on the site name*) to coupon sites you can order or print from: 

Call-ins or Company Mail outs - Many company's such as Johnson & Johnson offer mail out coupons. Some are monthly, most are yearly, and some are a one time deal
Try praising a company of a product that you really really enjoy. Many companies like to hear you enjoy their products and offer coupons as a thank you

What is a stock pile:

A stock pile is a "pile" of products that you have an excess of. How do you start one? First off you need to make sure you have some storage for it. How about an empty closet, cupboard, or even buying a small storage stand are great ways to start. Begin small, you don't want to over whelm yourself or your family.
When you find an amazing sale for a product that you or your family use regularly, don't be afraid to stock up, if you were there to buy 3 or 4 and the sale is good enough buy 6 or 8. Before long you'll find that your stock pile is growing. While stock pile? Because the world is uncertain. Times are tough on a lot of people. What would happen if you were laid off or lost your job tomorrow. Would you have enough of anything to make it a few weeks or months between jobs? Stock piles can help ease this burden.

Coupon stacking:
Only select stores do this and from what I know its only in the western provinces. London drugs, and Save on Foods are the only 2 places I know that allow this. Now Im unfamiliar with save on foods but I do know a little bit about stacking at london drugs.
They will only accept 2 coupons per item. And each coupon must have a different UPC then the other one.
There must be no restrictive wording on your coupons. (Can not be combined with any other coupon) 
SC Johnson coupons - all of them - are NOT stackable.
The coupons you are using can not exceed the price of the item being purchased
I have never stacked coupons, but have friends and family that have. If you know of more pointers or rules, I'd love to hear them and possibly add them to our page :)

I hope this helps out many new to couponing. If you have other questions just ask!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Frugal Pin Board

I was looking at message boards and couldn't believe how much one could cost, so I thought I could make my own and save some money. This project is so simple and easy, no sewing, or glue required either.

What you need

Paint canvas from the dollar store
Fabric (piece big enough to cover your canvas)
Thumb tacs

seriously this whole thing cost me less then $3 to make ;)

All you need to do is get your fabric and tac it tightly around the canvas. Thats it thats all! No sewing, gluing or anything else.

I used the left over fabric tied it together and used it to hang it up :)

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Frugal music option

Since summer holidays started I find myself at home with the kids, and when they are outside and Im in the house cleaning up I always listen to music. I know lots of others that do the same, and I thought to myself "I wonder if everyeone knows about this"

I have had an account with youtube for a long while and always add my favorite videos to it to listen to music for free. No buying itunes cards or tryng to download pirated music from sketchy sites

This is the easiest way to get started with your free music

Create an account on youtube, or sign in if you have one

Search your favorite songs, artists ect

Go to Add to, then add to playlists.

All your favorite music will be in the same place, no more searching. Just press play and away you go :)

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Friday, June 28, 2013

Easy DIY bookmarks

This is a simple DIY project you can do with the kids - Book marks

You can personalize these any way you wish

you need
Card stock, or thick(er) scrap book papers, Even Old Greeting cards would work wonders!
Glitter - optional
glue - optional
hole punch
Markers, pencil crayons, or crayons - optional
clear packing tape
ribbon or yarn

All you need to do is cut your card stock, old greeting cards, or scrap book papers into pieces just a little smaller then the width of your packing tape, and as long as you wish

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We liked using the stickers and markers. each child could decorate their own book mark any way they wish! Let them be as creative as they want :)

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Cut the tape and place it down for them, then place (carefully so it doesn't bunch)  on the tape Add another piece to the other side, and its like your book mark is laminated! Now add your hole with the hole punch at the top and add your favorite colour ribbon or yarn

Easy, frugal, and totally fun! These would make awesome little gifts, or toss them in loot bags for birthday parties. You could also make these valentines themed and give them out for valentines day. Your possibilities are endless ;)

As you can see we had a couple that were off center when the kids placed them on the tape, but they still loved them.
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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

$10 Starbucks GC for $5

Groupon has a awesome promotion on right now for a $10 Starbucks Gift card, for only $5!

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Expires Dec 31, 2013, Limit one offer per person

For moreinformation and to go to the offer click here

Sunday, June 9, 2013

free boost sample kit

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Sign up now for your free boost sample kit
Limit of one Welcome Kit per person
*While supplies last

Click here to sign up

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Smartsource intsert June 8th

Smartsource Insert for June 8th

-$1 Elastoplast product December 31, 2013 upc:08916668

-$1.50 Any Arm&Hammer kids spin brush, or tooth tunes toothbrushes Dec 31, 2013 - 65334279

-$1 off Any Orajel My Way toothpaste December 31 2013 - 65334280

$3 off any two lunch entree's at red lobster July 27, 2013
$4 off any two dinner entree's at red lobster July 27 2013

$5 off Pedigree dry dog food for dogs (5.4kg - 8kg) September 1 2013 - 08309033

$5 Off  Biotru Multi-purpose solution March 31st 2014 - 74207741

$1 on any one (1) resolve Stain Remover product august 31 2013 - 06552392

$1 on any one (1) Woolite product September 230th 2013 - 06552363

$1 on any Bertolli Olive Oil September 30 2013 - 59604899

Buy 1 Fantastik trigger Get 1 free Fantastik trigger December 31 2013 - 33691057

$1 on Scrubbing bubbles total kitchen Foaming all purpose cleaner with Fantastik December 31 2013 - 33691044

brightspot Brandsampler

Target and P&G are teaming up to bring us some pretty amazing samples!

-Tide Pods
-Crest white strips
-Vidal sasoon
-Venus disposable razors for women
- Gillette Pro-glide razor for men
- Scope mouth wash
-Olay fresh effects

So go on over see what samples you can snag up before they are all gone :)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Coupon Match us! June 67 - june 13

Real Canadian Super Store Friday June 7 - Thursday June 13

Delisso Pizza $4.97
- $2 Coupon from nestea lable
Marc Angelo souvlaki (beef or pork) $9.48
- $1 Facebook coupon or peelie
Becel Margarine $4.98
- $1 Insert/tearpad $.75 Booklet from company
Dawn Dish soap $1.98
- $1 wub 2 booklet/ insert/online
Cascade Action Pacs 39-54ct $9.97
- $2 booklet coupons from pampers box/charmin package
Febreze Air Effects, set & refresh, car vent clip, candles $2.97 each
- $3 wub 2 insert/ online
Nutri-grain soft baked bars $1.98 each
-$.75 tear pad
Special K cracker chips $1.98
- $1 Websaver
Band-Aid 6-80 count $3.97
- $2 Call in from company
Soft Soap Liquid Hand soap 240 ml $1.00
- $1 call in from company = FREE!!
Huggies and papmers Wipes (Club packs) 448-600 count $13.97
- $.50 papmers coupons from diapers/online, $1 Huggies wipes inserts/booklets

Shoppers drug mart (Saturday June 8th - Friday June 14th)  <<MEGA REDEMPTION WEEKEND!

2 day sales
Tylenol Extra strength 100's $5.99 (rest of the week $6.99)
- $3 Printable from smartsource, $2 Call in from compnay
Colgate Total advanced health toothpast 85ml $.88 (rest of the week $.99)
- $1 Call in,$1 Insert
Colgate Zigzag Toothbrush $.88 (rest of the week $.99)
- $1 Call in from company

Week long sale
Ensure or Glucerna meal replacement drinks $9.99
- Ensure $3 cheque from company, $2 Coupons from company
- $5 Glucerna cheque, $2, $3, $5 Coupons from compnay
Colgate Sensitve pro-relief $3.99
-$3 Insert
Colgate optic white mouth rince
-$1.50, $2 insert
Aveeno Shampoo or conditioner $7.99
-$2 Tear pad
Axe shampoo $5.99
-$1, $2 Hang tags
tresemme shampoo/conditioner $5.99
-$1. $1.50 Tear pad
Garnier Olia Hair dye $12.99
-$2 websaver
Armstrong Cheese snacks $3.99
- $.75 tear pad/ $1 booklet
Highliner $4.99
-$1 Tearpad
Europes Best frozen fruit or vegetables $4.99
-$2 insert
Folgers Coffee 642g $7.99
- $5 Coupon from Share your breakfast promo
Starbucks refreshers $5 for 2 or $2.99 each
- $1 tearpad
Villagio Bread $2.99
-$.50 Tear pad
Poptarts $2.49
-$.50 tear pad
Covergirl Clean make up products $8.99
- $3 tear pad, or $2 insert, $2 brandsaver
Jamison Vitamins $5.99 - $9.99
-$2 websaver
Hawaiian tropic $8.99
- $1 tear pad, $1 from sample
$4.99 Tampax radiant 18's $4.99
-$2, $3, coupons from packaging

Walmart (june 7th - 13th
Danone Oikos or Activia $7 for 2 or $3.50 each
- $,75 coupons from Danone summer saving booklet
Tide $9.93
-$1 brandsaver online, or $2 Insert
Manns Green Bean or Broccolini $2.50
-$.55, or $1 cal in from company
Olivieri Pasta, or sauce $4.27
-$.50 peelie, $1 peelie
Summerfresh hummus or dips $3.27
-$1 tearpad/booklet
Kraft Habanero Heat Shredded Cheese
-$3, $1 Packaging
Sunlight oxi-action dishwashing pacs
$2 Insert
Ziplock Value Pack $7.97
- $1 websaver (through facebook)
Canada Dry ginger ale $3.97
-$2 packaging coupon
Nutri-grain $1.88
-$.75 tear pad
Live clean $4.96
- $1 tear pad or $2.50 wubv 2
J&J Baby toilettries bonus pack
-FPC from Company or $1 Call in from Company
Pedigree Denta sticks $3.48
-$1 Insert
Wishkas $10.98
-$2 insert
Aveeno Lotion $5.92
-$3 call in from compnay
Garnier fructis shampoo/conditioner
- $1 tear pad

Side Kicks $10 for $10 or $1 each
- Buy 3 get 1 free, or $1 wub 3
Olivieri fresh pasta, Linguine or angel hair pasta $10 for 4 or $2.50 each
-$.50, $1 peelie
Johnsonville Breakfast or ground Italian sausage $10 for 3 $3.34 each
-$1 peelie/Call in, $.50/$.75 peelie
Dempsters Buns $3.99
-$1 wub 2 websaver
Fresh Express Salads $6 for 2, or $3 each
-$.35, or $1 Call in from compnay
Maple leaf ground chicken $5.49
-$2 Websaver (from facebook)
Highliner fish  *battered, fillets or sticks* 500-700g $10 for 2, or $5 each
- $1 tear pad
Milk rto go $10 for 10 or $1 each
- $.75 Booklet, or $1 wub 3  tear pad
Delmonte Canned Veggies $10 for 8 or $1.25 each
-$.75 wub 2 booklet, $.75 wub 3 vh booklet
Kelloggs eggo's  $10 for 4, or $2.50 each
-$.50 Egoo MINI's tear pad
Highliner Fish and chips $8 for 2 or $4 each
-$1 tear pad
Chapmans Canadian Cones Collection $4.99
- $5 mail out from the company = FREE!!!
Chapmans Cones or Ice cream sandwiches or Frozen yogurt  $6.99
- $5 Call in from Company
Chapmans Lolly or Li'l Lollys $4.99
- $5 mail out from the company = FREE!!
Chapmans 4L Ice Cream $7.99
- $5 mail out from the company
Dr.Oetker Pizza *Casa di Mama $10 for 3 or $3.34 each
- $1 Tear pad
Colgate Toothpaste select varieties $10 for 10 or $1 each
-$1 Call in from company = FREE
Cottonelle bathroom tissue $10 for 2 or $5 each
-$1 call in from compnay

Safeway (friday june 7 - thursday june 13

Side Kicks $5 for 5 ($1 each)
- Buy 3 get 1 free, or $1 wub 3
$5 Gill'ems
-$1 peelie
Bics Pickles $5 for 2
-$.50 hang tag/tear pad
Motts fruitsation Rockets $5 for 2
-$.50 tear pad
Resers Deli salad $5
- $1 insert
Danone Silhouette Yogurt $5
-$.75 booklet
Danone DanActive $5
- $.75 booklet
Skinny Cow frozen treats $5.99
-$1 Tear pad
Old Spice Antiperspirant $3.99
-2 Booklet, $1 insert, $1 brandsaver, $3 wub 2 insert/brandsaver
Goodhost Iced Tea 2.35KG $7.99
-$1 Tear pad
Purex toilet paper $6.99
-$1 websaver/$.75 peelie
Pampers Mega Packs $28 for 2 or $14 each
-$2 insert

Sobeys (june 7th - june 13th)
Purex toilet paper, Scotties tissues, Sponge towel paper towels $4.99
-$1 websaver/$.75 Insert
Manns Sugar snap peas $2 (20 bonus points wub 2 )
$.55/$1 call in from compnay
Old El Paso salsa $2
-$1 from hamburger helper packaging
Black diamond cheestrings $5.99 (buy 3 get 100 bonus points)
- $1 from yogurt packaging,
Egg creations $2
-$1 tear pads
Phiiledelphia cooking cream $2.99

Alternative cleaning products

Cleaning with commercial cleansers is not only expensive, but exposes you and your family to a lot of harsh chemicals. Following these house cleaning tips can enable you to have a healthier, less toxic home; save money, and be more environmentally friendly. 

Use vinegar
White vinegar is fairly cheap and a natural disinfectant, You don't have to worry about the harshness of chemicals on your hands, your stuff, or even the environment. Since I learned about using it has been my standby cleaner. I use it to clean the counters and stove every night after dinner - I just pour some on an old cloth and wipe everything down. It works really very well, cuts right through grease and doesn't leave any streaks.

Use Baking soda or washing soda
Baking soda is an excellent cleaning agent too! No need to buy powdered cleansers when baking soda works just as well. Placed on a wet sponge not only will it cut through grease like a scouring cleanser/agent, but it is a natural odor absorber. 

Use Borax
Did you know that Borax is also a great cleaning agent. Try sprinkling it on your carpets, before you vacuum
Dissolve 1 tablespoon of Borax in a quart of warm water and use as a refrigerator wipe/deodorize
Sprinkle 1 - 2 tbsp into a clean dry garbage can, this will help keep odor under control, you can also clean your garbage cans with this amount too ;)

New checkout 51 offers Valid from June 6 12 am - June 12 11:59pm

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Do you use check out 51? Here are this week's offers

Remember all offers are of limited quantities, so its first come first serve. So if you see something you like redeem it quick before they are all gone

-Purchase any Family Size Lays and 12 X 355 ml Pepsi. $2.00 cash back

-Any V8 V-Fusion® Smoothie product $1.00 cash back

-Buy any 2 Dove® Body Wash products. $2.00 cash back

-Buy Any 2 Saran™ Products. $3.00 cash back

-Any Energizer® portable lighting product, valued at $15 or more. $5.00 cash back  *Not many left!*

-Any Clorox product with New Smart Tube® Technology. Available on Clorox, Tilex and Green Works products.  $1.50 cash back

-Buy Select Glade® Products. $1.00 cash back

-Any Clorox2 Laundry Product. $1.00 cash back

-Any grocery trip over $60. $1 .00cash back

Website and app found here

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Frugal watering can

So I was shopping around the other day for a watering can for my garden when it hit me.. why buy one when I can make one!

All you need is a well rinsed liquid laundry container, and a drill!

Drill a few holes in the lid, and a couple at the top of the handle for air flow
Fill with water, and your done, so easy and super frugal!

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Friday, May 31, 2013

New brandsaver coupons up for grabs!!

I'd hurry over to and grab up those coupons if I were you. P&G has released their new batch of online coupons and there are a few pretty good ones in there.

These I believe are a first come first serve so head on over to grab yours while you can :)

Here is a complete list of what they have:

P&G May 29 pg2 

Bounty® $.50 OFF
any ONE Bounty paper towel or napkin product (excluding single roll)

Bounty® Charmin® Puffs® $1.25 OFF when you buy any TWO different brands of Bounty, Charmin or Puffs
Cascade® $1 OFF when you buy any ONE Casade ActionPacs product (12 count pack and up)
Cascade® $1 OFF when you buy any ONE Cascade Rinse Aid 901 mL
Charmin® $.50 OFF when you buy any ONE Charmin toilet paper products (excluding 4 rolls)
Covergirl® $2 OFF when you buy any COVERGIRL product
Crest® $8 OFF when you buy ANY Crest  3D White Whitestrips Professional Effects, Intensive Professional Effects OR 2 Hour Express
Crest® $4.50 OFF when you buy ANY Crest Pro-Health OR Crest 3D White toothpaste, Crest 3D White rinse AND Oral-B manual toothbrush
P&G May 29 pg3 

Crest® $2.50 OFF when you buy ANY Crest Pro-Health OR Crest 3D White toothpaste AND Crest 3D White rinse
Crest® $1 OFF when you buy ANY Crest Pro-Health OR Crest 3D White toothpaste OR Crest 3D White rinse
Dawn® $1 OFF when you buy any TWO Dawn products (Sizes 373ml and up)
Duracell® $1 OFF when you buy any Coppertop/Ultra Alkaline Duracell batteries
Duracell® $2 OFF when you buy any Duracell NiMH Rechargeables batteries or Duracell Hearing Aid Easy Tab batteries
Duracell® $4 OFF when you buy any NiMH Duracell Charger
Febreze® Swiffer® Mr. Clean® Gain® $4.29 value: Buy any THREE Febreze, Swiffer, Mr. Clean, Gain laundry products and get ONE Febreze Stick & Refresh for FREE
Febreze® Swiffer® Mr. Clean® Gain® $2.50 OFF when you buy any TWO Febreze, Swiffer, Mr. Clean or Gain laundry products
P&G May 29 pg4 

Febreze® Swiffer® Mr. Clean® Gain® $1 OFF when you buy any Febreze, Swiffer, Mr. Clean or Gain laundry products
Febreze® $3 OFF when you buy any TWO Febreze products
Febreze® $1 OFF when you buy any ONE Febreze product
Gillette® $18.99 value: Buy any Gillette Cartridge pack, Get a FREE Gillette Razor
Gillette® $3 OFF when you buy any Gillette ProGlide Styler
Gillette® $13.99 value: Buy any Gillette Razor, Get one FREE Gillette Shave Prep (of equal or lesser value)
Gillette® $2 OFF when you buy any Gillette Male 3-bladed Disposable Razors (Mach3, Sensor3, or Custom Plus3 only)
Head & Shoulders® $1OFF when you buy ANY Head & Shoulders product
Natural Instincts® $1 OFF when you buy any Natural Instincts hair colour product
P&G May 29 pg5 

Natural Instincts® $3 OFF when you buy any TWO Natural Instincts hair colour products
Nice ‘n Easy® $1 OFF when you buy any Nice’n Easy hair colour product
Nice ‘n Easy® $3 OFF when you buy any TWO Nice’n Easy hair colour products
Olay® $4 OFF when you buy any Olay Moisturizer, Cleanser, or Treatment product over $25.00
Olay® $3 OFF when you buy any TWO Olay Body Wash, Bar, or Hand & Body Lotion products
Old Spice® $1 OFF when you buy ONE Old Spice antiperspirant/deodorant or body wash product
Old Spice® $3 OFF when you buy TWO Old Spice antiperspirant/deodorant or body wash products
Oral-B® $3 OFF when you buy ANY Oral-B Battery Power toothbrush (excluding Oral-B Stages)
Oral-B® $3 OFF when you buy ANY Oral-B Power Brush Refills
Bounce® $1 OFF when you buy ANY Bounce Dryer Bar or dryer sheets
P&G May 29 pg6 

Iams® $2 OFF when you buy ANY bag of Iams dry cat or dog food (2.5lbs or larger)
Iams® $.50 OFF when you buy ANY Iams SHAKEABLES treat (includes variety pack)
Iams® $2 OFF when you buy any bag of Iams So Good dry dog food (3.2 lbs or larger)
Pampers® $3 OFF when you buy ANY TWO packs of Pampers diapers OR pants
Pampers® $2 OFF when you buy any Pampers Diapers, Pants AND Wipes
Pampers® $2 OFF when you buy Pampers Swaddlers, Swaddlers Sensitive or Cruisers Diapers
Pantene Expert® $2 OFF when you buy any Pantene Pro-V Expert Collection product
Pantene® $1 OFF when you buy any PANTENE product
Puffs® $1 OFF when you buy any ONE Puffs facial tissue (3 boxes or more)
Swiffer® $5 OFF when you buy any Swiffer WetJet or Swiffer SweeperVac starter kit
Swiffer® $1.50 OFF when you buy any Swiffer Sweeper or Swiffer 360° Dusters extender starter kit
Swiffer® $1.50 OFF when you buy any Swiffer Sweeper, Swiffer Dusters or Swiffer WetJet refills
Swiffer® $1.50 OFF when you buy any Swiffer Dust & Shine
Tide® $2.50 OFF when you buy any Tide product AND Tide Boost
Tide® $2 OFF when you buy any Tide liquid OR powder product
Tide® $1 OFF when you buy any Tide POD (14 – 40 ct)
Tide® Downy® $3 OFF when you buy any Tide PODS (14 – 40 ct) AND Downy UNSTOPABLES
Tide® $1 OFF when you buy any Tide to go, Tide Stain Release OR Tide, Washing Machine Cleaner
Venus® $2 OFF when you buy any Venus disposable razor (excluding Daisy)
Venus® $18.49 value: Buy any Venus cartridge pack and get a FREE Venus Razor
Vidal Sassoon® $7.99 value: Buy 1 Vidal Sassoon Shampoo or Conditioner and Get 1 Vidal Styling product for FREE
Vidal Sassoon® $3 OFF when you buy any Vidal Sassoon Hair Colour Product

So head on over and glad up all the ones you need >> HERE <<

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Checkout 51 offers from May30 - June 5th

Here are some new offers from checkout51!

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Remember the offers are valid between 12am on May 30th until 11:59pm on June 5th

Offers are limited quantities, so act fast sometimes they get scooped up pretty quick :)

- $6.00 cash back with purchase of 3 Family Size Lays and 3 X 12x355mL Pepsi

-Any Ziploc® brand containers $1.50 Cash back

-Any Raid® Product. $3.00 cash back

-Black Diamond Natural Cheese 200g or more $2.00 cash back

-Any Dempster's Bagels $1.00 cash back

-Any Clorox2 Laundry Product. $1.00 cash back

-Any Clorox product with New Smart Tube® Technology. Available on Clorox, Tilex and Green Works products. $1.50 Cash back

-Any San Daniele and Mastro deli meats. $1.50 Cash Back

-Valid on any Glade® Sense & Spray® refill. $3.00 Cash Back

-Valid on any Glade PlugIns® Scented Oil refill. $3.00 Cash Back

-Any Coppertone product. $1.50 Cash back

-Select Vachon pasteries Includes May West, Jos. Louis, Passion Flakie, and Ah Caramel! Package of 6 or more. $.50 Cash Back

-Any grocery trip over $60. $1.00 Cash Back

Advil free sample

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I recently got my free sample of advil which came with 2 sample of 200mg liqui-gels, and a $3 coupon good on 24 count or higher Advil Liqui-gels Extra strength.

Have you requested your free sample yet?

If not request one here

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Redplum and smartsource Inserts

Many people dont know whereto find these FREE inserts, I follow Mrs.January, and would recommend everyone else to do so too.

From MrsJanuary.Com

Are you looking for Redplum & Smart Source coupon inserts in Canada? Below is a list of newspapers that you can find them in.
If you are not receiving inserts in your local paper(s), let them know and they should be able to help you out.


Brattleford Regional Ad Post
Fort McMurray Today
Fort Saskatchewan This Week
Grande Prairie Herald
Leduc Rep
Sherwood Park News
Calgary Herald
Edmonton Journal
Calgary National Post
Lethbridge Herald
Medicine Hat News
Red Deer Advocate
Calgary Sun
Edmonton Sun
Bow Island Commentator
Coaldale Sunny South News
Taber Times
Edmonton Examiner

British Columbia

Trail Times
Cranbrook Townsman
Dawson Creek Mirror
Kelowna Daily Courier
Kimberley Daily Bulletin
Merritt News
Nanaimo Daily News (Free Press)
Penticton Southern Exposure
Squamish Chief
Sunshine Coast Reporter
Abbotsford/Sumas/Mission Times
Aberni Valley The Pennyworh
Campbell River Courier Islander
Chilliwack Times
Coquitlam Now
Courtenay Comox Valley Echo
Duncan Cowichan Valley Citizen
Harbour City Star
Langley Advance
Maple Ridge Ridge Meadow Times
Richmond News
Surrey Now
Grand Forks Boundary Bulletin
Vancouver National Post
Vancouver Sun
Kamloops Daily Extra
Kamloops Daily News
Kelowna Event
Penticton Herald
Prince George Citizen
Burnaby Now
Delta Optimist
New Westminister Record
Fort St. John Express
Vancouver Province
Victoria Times Colonist
Dawson Creek (Fort St. John) Regional News (Peace River Block News)
Fort St. John North Peace Express
North Vancouver North Shore News
Creston Valley Advance
Hope Standard
Prince George Review
Whistler Question
Oceanside Star
Tofino The Westerly
Parksville Qualicom News
Mackenzie Times
Agassiz-Harrison Observer
Fernie Free Press
Vernon Morning Star
Wiliams Lake Cariboo Advisor
Bridge River-Lillooet News
East Kootenay Weekly


Nickel Belt News
Selkirk/Gimli/Stonewall Interlake Papers
Winnipeg Free Press
Brandon Sun/Westman
Winnipeg Sun
Brandon Wheat City Journal

New Brunswick

Woodstock Bugle-Observer
Fredericton Gleaner
Moncton Times Transcript
Restigouche La Voix
Saint John Telegraph Journal
Bathurst Northern Light
Campbellton The Tribune


Gander Beacon
Corner Brook Western Star
St. John’s Telegram
Grand Falls Advertiser

Nova Scotia

Bedford-Sackville Weekly News
Dartmouth-East Cole Harbor Weekly News
Halifax-West Clayton Park Weekly News
Digby/Kentville/Yarmouth (Halifax) Chronicle Herald Provincial Ed.
Halifax CH/Mail Star
Amherst Daily News
Antigonish A&G Transaction
New Glasgow News
Sydney/Cape Breton Post
Truro Daily News
Bridgewater Bulletin


Ajax/Pickering News
Brampton Guardian
Burlington/Hamilton Spectator
Cambridge Reporter
Etobicoke Guradian
Mississauga News
North York Mirror
Oakville Beaver
Oshawa/Whitby/Port Perry/Clarington This Week
Scarborough Mirror
York/Bloor West Guardian
Bancroft This Week
Barrie Examiner
Belleville Intelligencer
Brantford Expositor
Chatham Kent Citizen
Collingwood Enterprise-Bulletin
Cornwall Standard Freeholder
Dunnville Chronicle
Frontenac This Week
Guelph Smart Shopper
Hanover Post
Innisfil Examiner
Kirkland Lake Northern Daily News
Midland Free Press
Niagara Falls Review
North Bay Nugget
Northumberland Today
Orillia Packet & Times
Owen Sound Sun Times
Pembroke Observer
Picton County This Week
Sarnia Observer
Sault Ste. Marie Star
Sudbury Star
Timmins Daily Press
Trenton Trentonian
West Niagara News
Ottawa Citizen
Ottawa National Post
Toronto National Post
Windsor Star
Thunder Bay (Ontario) Times-News/Chron.-Jrnl.
Guelph Mercury
Kitchner/Waterloo Record
Markham Economist
Richmond Hill/Thornhill/Vaughn Liberal
Brockville Recorder
Chatham Daily News
Fort Erie Times
Kingston Whig Standard
London Free Press
St. Catharine’s Standard
St. Thomas Times Journal – Elgin County Mkt
Stratford Beacon Herald
Welland Tribune
Woodstock Oxford Review
Toronto Star
Aurora/Newmarket Banner/Era
Ottawa Sun
Toronto Sun
Alliston Herald
Arnprior Chronicle-Guide
Barrie Advance
Bolton-Caledon Enterprise
Carlton Place Canadian-Almonte Gazette
Collingwood The Conection
Dunnville Sachem
Georgetown/Acton Independent/Free Press
Grimsby Lincoln News
Kanata Kourier-Standard
Kemptville Advance
Midland Mirror
Milton Champion
Niagara This Week
Orangeville Banner
Orillia Today
Perth Courier Weekender
Renfrew Mercury Weekender
Smith Falls This Week
Stittsville News
Uxbridge Times Journal/Tribune
Highlands Weekender
Kingston This Week
Kitchener/Waterloo Smart Shopper
Lindsay Daily Post
Peterborough Examiner
Simcoe Reformer
Elliot Lake Standard
Windsor Smart shopper

Prince Edward Island

Charlottetown Guardian
Summerside Journal Pioneer


Sherbrooke Record
Montreal Gazette
Montreal National Post
Chicoutimi (Saguenay) Le Quotidien
Granby La Voix de L’Est
Montreal La Presse
Ottawa Le Droit
Quebec Le Soliel
Sherbrooke La Tribune
Trois Rivieres Le Nouvelliste
Baie Corneau/Forrestville Objectif Haute Coute Nord
Montreal Le Journal de Montreal
Quebec Le Journal de Quebec
Jonquiere Le Reveil a Jonquiere
Rimouski Progres Echo Dimanche
Rouyn/Noranda Le Citoyen
St. Jerome Le Mirabel
Montmagny Le People Cote-Sud
Montreal Publi-Sac
Gaspe Le Pharillon
Montreal (St. Therese) La Voix des Milles-lles
Val d’Or Le Citoyen Abitibi-Est
Montreal AMS de Quebec


Estevan SE Trader Express
Humboldt Regional Trader
Parkland Review
Lloydminster (Alberta) Daily Times/Meridian Booster
Assisinboia Times
Regina Leader Post
Saskatoon Star Phoenix
Moose Jaw Times Herald
Moose Jaw News EMC
Prince Albert Herald
Maple Creek News
Swift Current The Southwest Booster
Yorkton This Week & Enterprise

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Home Made Pancakes, Easy and Delicious

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I've been fiddling around with recipes I had, and found. Most had too much salt, not enough milk, or called of meted butter (what a pain!)

So here is one That my family and I love, and have been using for sometime

1 cup of flour (we use all purpose)
1 tablespoon of sugar
3 teaspoons of Baking powder
1/2 tea spoon of salt (this can easily be brought down to 1/4 teaspoon and it still tastes fine)
1 egg
3/4 cup + 3 table spoons of milk (we use 2%)
2 tablespoons of oil (we use canola)

Sift your dry ingredients together (flour, salt, sugar, baking powder) into a large bowl. I tell you to sift it because sometime if flour sits it can clump together in tiny clumps and you wouldn't want to bite into something to find a ball of flour ;)
Add in your wet ingredients except the last 3 tablespoons of milk and whisk until smooth. Here is the point where you can judge for yourself if you want to add the extra tablespoons of milk or not. 

Use 1/4 cup measuring cup to pour your batter into your hot pan.

Using the 1/4 measurements  you get 12 pancakes at around 65 - 71** calories each!

**65 for no extra milk, and 71 with the extra milk


Friday, May 24, 2013

frugal storage for soup cans

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I don't know why I have never thought of this before!

My husband drinks cases of pop and I was just about to recycle the pop can case when I looked up and realized my soup cans were knocked over, and laying around. I glanced down and thought what the heck, I can keep them in here. 

The soup cans a re little smaller then the pop cans, but this works great. I painted it, only so we don't confuse the pop with the soup, :)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Coupon match ups may 24 - may 31

Here are some coupon match ups -Manitoba flyers
 *i don't have access to all flyers so remember you can always let us know of great sales in your area*

Shoppers drug Mart may 25- may 31
2 day sale-
Royale toilet paper 6.99  -1$ gocoupon
Royale tissues $3.99 - $.75, $1 gocoupon
Bounty paper towel  $5.99 - $1,
$.50 online, insert, booklets
Pampers diapers $21.99 - $1, $2, insert, online
Band-aid $3.99 - $2 call in
Playtex gentle glide $3.79 - $2, $3 shoppers voice

Sales running all week -
Simple facial wipes $5.99 - $2/$3 magazine/ tear pads
International delight iced coffee $3.99 - $1 tearpad/ printable
Danino yogurt $5 for 2 - $.75 booklet or $5 wub
Side kicks $.99 - $1 wub 3 or buy 3 get 1 free
Goldfish $2.49 - $.50 tearpad
Starbucks refreshers $5 for $2 - $1 tear pad
Melitta coffee 300g - $2, $1 ,$1.50 tearpad
Vh soya sauce $2.79 - $.75 booklets
Bucks relish $5 for 4 -$.50 tear pad/hang tags
$3.49 franks red hot squad - $1 from hamburger helper box
VHand healthy choice steamers 3.49 - $1, $2 hange rag booklets (VH steamers) bogo healthy choice steamers - websaver/insert
Huggies wipes $2.99  - $1 booklets
Real fruit gummies $1.99 - $1, $.50 magazine/ tearpad

Walmart may 24 - 30
Resers deli salad - $.65 call in

Oikos or Activa Yogurt 2 for $7 ($3.50 each) - $.75 booklets
General Mills cereal (Honey nut cherrios 400g, cherrios 400g, multigrain cherrios 390g,  Lucky Charms 330g, or cinnamon toast cruch 360g) $2.88 each Buy 2 get 1 free tearpad
Skinny cow snacks $3.48 - $1 Tearpad
Pantene Shampoo & Conditioner 675ml - BOGO from Chataline/todays parent magaizes
Dove body was $3.47 - $1 Tearpad
Banana Boat Sun Care $7.97 - $1 call in, $1, $2 Peelies
OFF! Power PadLamp $12.83 - $5 Insert
Raid 500g Areosol $9.86  - $1 insert/tearpad

Canadian Tire ( may 23rd - May 29th)
Charmin Toilet paper 24 double rools (48 regular rolls) $9.99 - $1 iserts, booklets, $.50 online
OFF! Child's and Adults $4.99 - $7.99 - $1 tear pad/inserts

Real Canadian SuperStore (may 24 - may 30th)
Advil Extra strength liqui-gels200gm 84's 400mg 50's $8.97 - $3 from advil free trial
Always pads 14's - 24's & pantiliner 30 - 60's $2.97 $.50 insert/online, $1 booklet
Venus Disposable razors - $1 from product packaging
TREemme hair care styling $2.98 - $1, $1.50 tearpad
Tylenol Extra strength $5.97 - $3 Printable
Yves ground round $3.48 - $1 from hamburger helper box
Krave Cereal $3.33- $75 from product packaging, earpad
Eggo Mini's  $4 for 2 boxes - $.50 tear pad
Healthy Choice Steamers & VH steamers $6 for 2 ($1 & $2 hand tag/booklets VH steamers) *BOGO healthy choice steamers
Soft Soap pump or refills $1.97 - $1 call in
Lady speed stick & Mens Speed stick $1.97 $2 wub 2 printable/insert

Purex toilet paper $4.99 - $1 websaver, $.75 peelie
Sunrype fruit to go $9.99 - $2 from product packaging
Black Diamond Cheese strings $4.99 - $.75 tear pad, $1 from product packaging
Astro multipack $5.99 - $1 tear pad
Astro yogurt tubs $5 for 2 - $1 tear pads
Mircle whip $4.99 -$.50 tearpad
Aylmer accents $6 for 4 - $.75/$1 wub 2 booklets
El Monterey Taquitos $9.99 - $1 Call in
Olivieri fresh pasta and sauces $4.99 each - $.50/$1 peelies
Nutella Hazelnut Spread 725g $4.99 - $.50 or $1 wub 2 from chataline/today parent ect magazine
Wagon Wheeles $3.99 - $.50 call in
Crest tooth paste $4 for 2 - $.50 incert/online $1 tearpad
Soft soap $4 for 2 - $2 call in
Vidal Sassoon Shampoo and conditioner $.50/$1 online/inserts BOGO

Colgate cavity protection or extra clean toothbrushes $1 - $1 call in
Grill'ems $1 ppeelie / BOGO facebook offer
Black Diamond Cheese slices $3.99 if you buy 1, $2.99 if you buy 2 or more - $.75 from recipe plus calendar
Royale Toilet paper $5.99 - $1 Gocoupons
Royale Paper towel $6.99 - $.75 Gocoupons
Mens or womens Speedstcik $2.49 each or $2 wub 2 or more - $2 wub 2 printable or insert

Black Diamond Cheese block 500g $4.99 - $.75 tearpad
Milk to go $1 - $.75 or $1 wub 3 tearpad
Buitoni pizza $3.99 each (100 points extra wub 4) - Buy 3 get one free tear pad
Astro original greek $3.49 - $1 tear pad\
U by Kotex $3.99 - $1  booklet
Herbal Essecences $2.79 - $3.50 wub 2 insert or $1/2 peelies

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Checkout51 offers (May 23 12 am - May 29 11:59pm)

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Here is a sneak peek for this coming weeks Checkout51 offers!

These offers go live May 23rd at midnight (12 am) and will expire on May 29th at 11:59 pm.

All items must be bought here in Canada, and you can only submit your receipt for these items while these offers are "live"

Remember If you see a offer you like its first come first serve sometimes there are limited quantities

-Lays and pepsi Buy 1 Lays & 1 Pepsi 12 pk
Cash Back $2.00

- Maple Leaf Bacon, 500 g or more, any variety.
Cash back: $2.00

- Schneider’s wieners or sausages, any variety.
Cash back: $2.00

- Energizer MAX, any Energizer Max product.
Cash back $2.00

- Europe’s best frozen fruit, any variety.
Cash back: $2.00

- Chapman’s ice cream, 2 L or more, includes Original and Premium ice cream.
Cash back: $1.50
-Europe’s best frozen vegetables, any variety.
Cash back: $2.00
-Select Glade® Products, excludes Glade Aerosols and Glade Solids.
Cash back: $2.00
-Unico beans or peas, Any canned beans or peas.
Cash back: $0.50
-Unico canned tomatoes, 796 mL, any variety.
Cash back: $0.50
-Unico olives, 375 mL or more in cans or jars
Cash back: $0.50
-Any grocery trip over $60
Cash back $1.00

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Garnier BB Creme Review

Garneir BB Cream Pass or buy?


Our rating 3 out 5 

I bought this at the end of last year, and found it nice and light, didn't feel cakey on my skin like many other foundations.
However after a few hours of wearing it, my skin became shiny and oily.

I love the weight of it, and makes my skin feel soft, but dont like how shiny It is after a short time of wear. For this fact only I give it a pass

Sunday, May 19, 2013

DIY Baby wipes - sorta

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4 easy steps to DIY Baby wipes - sorta!

I say sorta because what I am actually doing is making a baby wipe solution.
I have tried and tried and tried to make wipes, and either they mold of the paper towel falls apart, its to soapy.. tons and tons of trial and error!

I am happy with what I have been doing now for the past few months and found its easy enough I think everyone can do it.

You need:
Paper towel - I use bounty select a size
Old wipes container or even a plastic Ziploc container
a empty spray or pump bottle 
Baby wash + lotion or oil OR I use dove baby wash on my son so I use it for his wipes too

Using your container fill it 3/4 to just about full with warmer to hot water
transfer your water to a bowl and add 1 table spoon of baby wash and 1 tablespoon of oil or lotion.. or if you want to use the dove I put 2 tablespoons of this and nothing else

Whisk the water and bodywash together (dont just put them in the bottle and shake as it wont mix properly) one everythign is all mixed up, transfer it back to the bottle and your done!

Next time your little one needs to be changed a spay/pump or two  of solution on a folded paper toewl should do the trick!

I used to buy $18 in wipes a month, my cost now.. $5! Super savings. This would make nice gifts too. Put some in a spray bottle with a sticker on i, great baby shower gift!

If you want to use it in the diaper bag, I keep mine in a small travel sized old shampoo bottle, works really well ;)

Easy DIY Laundry Soap

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So I have been looking everywhere and trying everything to make my own laundry soap. I have 4 kids, plus myself and husband along with 2 dogs and a cat. SO we do a ton of laundry!

Anyways I've been searching for a "good" home made laundry soap to help cut the costs of our everyday living. I tried a few and found a lot just didn't have the cleaning power.

So After many attempts, all different measurements, and a lot of laundry later, I found the perfect ratio of ingredients!

Its super easy, and works great. You will most likely never buy laundry soap again!

What you will need

2 cups Borax
2 cups of Arm & Hammer WASHING Soada
1 bar of Ivory Soap (purex, sunlight, and others should work as long as its a soap bar not a beauty bar *moisturizer bar*)
Cheese grater for the soap
Downy Unstoppables or essential oils - Optional

put the 2 cups of each borax, and washing soda in a container. Grate up your bar of soap. I found using the small side works so much better then using the larger side of the grater. The small pieces incorporate much easier.

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Now this can be it and you can be done there.  If that's the case you just made yourself 5.5 cups of laundry soap and only need to use 1 - 2 tablespoons at a time. 1 or smaller less soiled clothes, and 2 for larger or heavier soiled clothes.

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Or if you want a more fragrant smelling laundry soap you can add down unstoppables (which I did) or you can try adding your favorite essential oil. Don't use anything but these 2 things. I tried many different things trust me, and everything BUT these ruin your batch. If you choose to use essential oils you still only need the 1 - 2 tablespoons , however if you use the downy unstoppables, I added 2 full  cap fulls so I use 3 tables spoons of laundry soap.

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I hope you all love this as much as myself and my family do!